Friday, June 29, 2007

Carroll County June 25-29

A watermelon eating contest!

Special Thanks to Wythe Morris for video and additional pictures.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Carroll County June 25-29

Cosemetology is fun!! You can do your hair, nails, and makeup. You can do it all!!--Morgan

Head, heard, hands, health are the four H's.--Corey
Being with my friends in the friendship circle is like staring in a movie with them. My name is Marissa and that's how I feel in a friendship circle.
On this day, we took pictures of other classes. I took one of fishing in black and white.--Colin
I like this picture because it's really fun to swim.--Jenna

I am at 4-H camp. My favorite thing about camp is my friends and swimming.--Marissa aka KitKat

The reasons I love 4-H camp are we always have fun at our classes. We get to play in the pool every day and we get to have dances.--Morgan

At camp you make friends and there is a dance every day. You get to swim every day too.--Colin
What I like about camp is all the people here. They are so cool.--Corey

4-H camp is awesome. This is my first year at 4-H camp and I have had fun. Swimming is one of the reasons I like 4-H camp.--Jenna

Carroll County June 25-29

Also if you like to dress up you can go to cosmetology and that is fun. You can put honey on your faces to clean out your pores.--4-H camper
What is very fun at 4-H is olympics.--4-H camper
Geese, it's cold out here!--Alyssa
Dogs just wanna have fun.--Alyssa
What I like about camp is going over things, going swimming and doing the activities. 4-H camp is a lot of fun!--4-H camper

I love 4-H camp because of the staff. They are fun, awesome, and bright morning people. -- Alyssa

Carroll County June 25-29

This is Lauren in the middle and Lindsay, Cubby, Katy, and Evan outside. They are helping Lauren hula hoop. We were having olympics at 4-H. By the way, it rocks!!! Of course they got disqualified. --Chelsea

Jessie thinks that he can limbo but oh no he's getting ready to drop his hat!--Jaime

This picture was at the redneck field olympics where they had the biggest hair contest. Tristyn was our winner. The yellow group won the whole thing, but everybody will remember that hair.--4-H camper

Strike a pose Jacob! Look at those eyes. *Twinkle*--Michaela
Blow Nikki Blow!!-Lacey
We love to rock out!--Jensynn

I like camp because I get to meet new people. You also get to learn new things, especially in the classes. Last, we get to laugh at all the staff and teens, especially Paul, Cubby, Jessie, Evan, and Charlie because they are so funny. -- Jaime

4-H rocks!! I'm coming next year.--Jensynn

I went to 4-H camp this year. It is so cool. I love all of the classes and dances. 4-H rocks!--Chelsea

This is most likely my last year at 4-H camp unless I come back as a CIT (counselor in training). I had a lot of fun this year and last year. I like being able to learn new things. There are a lot of calsses to choose from. I had a hard time deciding what classes I wanted, but I'm happy with the ones I have. 4-H camp is the best. --Lacey

4-H camp is really cool. I think that I have the awesomest classes this year. All my teachers are cool and they let us have fun. I love 4-H!--Michaela
I absolutely LOVE camp! I've made lots of new friends! As a teen, I learn lots of responsibility with keeping campers and not putting me first. 4-H rocks!--Amanda aka Mator

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Russell and Scott June 18-22

Jill got picked as a girl for the "dating game." She told the answers and got a to dance with James. Luke got picked as the boy. He had to dance with Emily. We all had a laugh. It was so romantic.--Hannah and Jordan
This picture was taken in southwest survivor. They were having fun swining on the tire swings. They had to get to the other side and hug the tree. --Emily and Katelyn
She is so darn cute. Her curly hair is so adorable and her shirt is so cool.--Amanda and Taylor

We love camp because it's tons of fun and you get two meet new friends. The classes are amazing. Also, the staff are really nice. -- Taylor and Amanda
We love everything about camp. It's going to be hard to leave all the friends, fun songs and campfires. We've had so much fun at 4-H camp. -- Olivia and Jordan
4-H camp is awesome! The staff and teen leaders are so energetic. They love to have fun, just like the campers do. The classes are fun because they teach you stuff while you have fun. --Emily and Katelyn
We love 4-H because we have met many new friends. We love the dance because it is great. We met a singer that is still in college. It's funny to see Nikki dance. We have had so much fun and you can too. Go 4-H camp!!!--Jordan and Hannah
My experience as a CIT has been great. I've got to know a lot of the campers and had a great time with them. I am definately coming back next year to be a teen leader. --Ashley

Russell and Scott June 18-22

Freakshow's class caught a lot of things in nature science. Spot was one of them. He is an orange newt with black spots. That's right they caught a newt!! They also caught crawfish and tadpoles. So I guess you could say they really caught up with nature!-- Whitney

The red, white, and blue dance was so much fun! Brinley Addington was the singer that night! There was slow and fast dances. Everyone had a great time! The red, white, and blue day was wild. People were dressed in crazy outfits and girls were everywhere. We had so much fun.--Grace and Beth

When a famous country singer named Brinley Addington came, girls went ga-ga over him. When they screamed they busted a boys ear drums (not really).--Logan and Jeremy

Brinley Addington came to see us Wednesday night. He was very cute and his music was awesome. The speakers were very, very loud. The girls went so crazy when they saw him.--Alli and Makayla

At camp you can meet new friends and at the same time you can meet with your old friends and have a lot of fun with them.-- Samantha

The best part of camp is classes. Every morning at 9:00 A.M. we go to our classes. My classes are fun snack foods, CNN, and backyard adventures. They are the best!! You can only pick three classes but you can have backups incase you don't get in. If you don't get the classes you want, it's okay. I really wanted swimming, but snack foods is fun too. Don't let it get you down if you don't get the class you want!-- Whitney

Everyone at camp is so friendly, I love the classes and my classes are cheering/dancing, CNN, and Tadpoles and fish fry. They are all fun. The cabins are clean sometimes. I like the pool because you get to play with your friends.--4-H camper

We like gau-gau. It is a rough sport. The object of the game is to hit the ball at someone, but only below the knees. -- Logan and Jeremy.

Everything is fun about camp. There is never a boring moment. The only bad thing is you have to get up at 7 A.M. every morning. The classees are really fun and so are the songs. I am coming to camp for sure.-- Makayla

My favorite part of camp is the dances. Dances are every night. Also, I really like campfires. I really feel sorry for the people who live around here because every night we scream at campfire.--Alli
I love the classes at 4-H camp. They are so much fun!! You get to spend time with friends and have a good time. -- Beth

I like everything about camp. I like the food, the classes, the new friends, the cabins, and the songs. I have made a lot of new friends and had fun. -- Grace

Russell and Scott June 18-22

Nikki attacked Win because he had something in his ear. -- Kaitlyn, Savannah, and Zoe
Every year we have a show about sheep hearding. A man brings six sheep and two of his dogs. THe man tells us about his dogs. Their names are Jessi and Catcher. Sheep like to stay in a group so they are safe. The sheep were split in groups of three and they didn't like being apart. The sheep were talking with each other and trying to get back together. Finally, the dogs were able to get the sheep in the back of the truck. --Emily and Delaney

We saw a show about a dog; it was so cool!-- Chandra
The dog could herd sheep and also entered a competition for sheep herding. -- Mandi
The dog had very good hearing. -- Elizabeth
The dogs names are Jessi and Catcher.-- Cristen

I like camp because you get to swim a lot! It is very fun -- Chandra

The staff are very nice. -- Cristen

The campfires are cool. -- Elizabeth
We like camp because it's funny! -- Kaitlyn, Savannah, and Zoe

I like 4-H camp because of all the new people you can meet. -- Mandi

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Wise and Buchanan June 11-15

I really like camp because it's really fun! All my friends are here too. The classes are really awsome. The dances are cool too. All the staff are really funny and cool and campfire skits are really funny. The food is really good and that's what I like about 4-H.--Brandee

I like camp because I can make new friends and dance with my girlfriend. I also like to goof up and have a good time with all my friends and also like to have a good time with my teen counselors. I like my class Cnn and outdoor treasures and I like playing games with Shane and 4-H campers. Shane is on staff this year. -- Herbie

I love to make new friends at 4-H camp. The staff is wounderful and the classes are awesome. So you should come to camp next year! It's gauranteed that you will like it. There's exciting things to do and people to meet. Everything you do is exciting. I'm sure you'll have a great experience.--Sara

Camp was fun for me. It's my first year and it's great. I am coming back next year if I'm not busy. Campfire is fun, but it's really cold. Learning new songs and dances is fun. I also like swimming and going to other classes in CNN. --4-H camper

My favorite thing to do at camp is tetherball. I also really like the dances. The themes rock!! I love hanging out with my friends. I love campfire because the skits are so funny. I am definately coming back next year. 4-H camp rocks! -- Emily

This is my first year at camp and it's been fantastic. In the mornings we start with breakfast and then we go to our three classes. My first class is outdoor treasures. We get to play in the creek and catch tadpoles, salamanders, crawdads, and water striders. My second class is southwest survivor. In that I got to do the vine walk, tarzan, and wobbly woozie. Last I have CNN camp news network. We get to record our voices and take pictures of all the classes. We also get group swim and free swim. In group swim we have to swim or play outside. We have a different dance every night. I also enjoy the campfires. They have funny skits and they teach us new songs. I have had a great week at camp and hope to come back next year. -- Sharla

Wise and Buchanan June 11-15

My favorite thing about camp was the dances. They are so much fun!!!!!--Gabby

I love the classes at camp. (Zipline, CNN, southwest survivor, swimming, saddle up, etc.)--Luke

I love 4-H camp. I wish I didn't ever have to go home! The dances are the best part of camp. I like that all the dances have different themes. I hope I can go to camp next year. I'll keep my fingers crossed!!--Alyssa

Hi, I'm Matt and I love 4-H camp the best is the dances my favorite food here at camp is spaghetti.

My favorite thing about camp is swimming and gau-gau ball.It is so fun!!! --Abby

Hi my name is Dylan and I love camp!It has a lot of things to do in your free time like gau-gau and wiffle ball, and soccer and even 4-square. I never want to go home. 4-H rules!!!!!!!!!!

My favorite things about camp are sports and sleep.--Cole

My favorite thing about camp is the staff because they are so funny and helpful.--Carolynn

Dancers (yellow group) are cool. Gau-gau ball is the best game ever! The food is good and dances are fun too. -- Ben

My favorite part of camp is socializing because you get to meet new people. I love camp!--Jordan

Wise and Buchanan June 11-15

My favorite thing about camp was fishing. I love fishing because you can talk with friends and play with worms. 4-H !-- Bailey

The best part of camp is the cabins because you feel like your at home except there are some other campers and teen leaders. My favorite counselors at 4-H camp are Freakshow, Michael, and Shane because they are so hillarious and awesome. I love the pool the most because of the diving boards. I would like to stay here forever because this place is great. 4-H!!!! -- Jacob

My name is Stephen and this is my first year at camp. Camp so far is very fun. My favorite things at camp are the classes, swimming, and talking to friends. The best thing is the dances. It is fun because you can goof off, like I do, and have fun. The teen leaders and counselors are awesomely awesome. The food is great too. They have pancakes, cereal, and chicken and biscuits for breakfast. My favorite dinner is pizza. My favorite classes are zipline and CNN Camp News. The instructors are cool. The campfires are so cool too. Camp is so great. I don't want to go home! -- Stephen

The dances are really fun. I like all the classes. They are fun and exciting. The food is really good.-- Andrea

My favorite class is CNN Camp News Network. The food is really good. My favorite food is pancakes.--Hayleigh

Hi my name is Sabrina the dances at camp are awesome and it is a way to get active and have fun with your friends.

The best part of camp to me is gau-gau. Sometimes I don't like it because there is a lot of arguing and some people hit the ball too hard, but it is still fun. -- Walter

My favorite thing about camp is meeting new friends and my favorite food is hot dogs.--Hannah

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Washington County Camp Slideshow & Podcast

Here is a slide show of all our camp pictures!

Washington County June 4-June 8

Gau-Gau is one of the many fun sports at 4-H camp!--4-H camper
That dance was really fun!!--4-H camper
I love to dance every night in Russell Hall. -- 4-H camper
Sam really loves arts and crafts. -- 4-H camper
These are the winners of the 80's dance and they look awesome!--4-H camper
The winners for the 80's costume contest! They look great!--4-H camper
I'd like to come back next year for CNN. I like it because you use computers, cameras, and recorders. -- Dylan

We like everything about camp. From games to classes to food to dances and swimming. Camp is really fun!!--4-H campers

My favorite part of camp is the classes. CNN, when in Rome, model rocketry, lego mindstorm, and archery are some of my favorites. -- 4-H camper

My favorite party of camp is gau-gau. It's a sport where you try to get people out by hitting them in the legs with a ball. You also try not to go out of the circle. My favorite thing about 4-H camp is the tetherball. It's where you try to get the ball around the pole on the other perosons side.-- 4-H campers
My favorite thing is hanging out with my friends Kaitlyn, Summer, Heather and Taylor. My favorite teen counselor is Annie. I like all our big counselors. I really liked the 80's dance. --4-H camper

Washington County June 4-June 8

This takes place at the clogging show. This is Ethan and Luke goofing off!! These are the blue boys counselors. -- Briana, Krisinda, and Casey
Gau-Gau Rocks!!!! -- Abby and Kelsey
This is Conrad and Luke, holding a stick in amazement. In outdoor treasures. This picture is our favorite because they are studying moss on the stick. --Paige, Amanda, and Emma

We love 4-H camp. CNN is our favorite class. CNN stands for Camp News Network and it is also called broadcast journalism. We take pictures, make a podcast, and also write this blog. The image above is a group picture of this year's CNN group second class. Freddy and Ian

This week of 4-H camp was the bomb because everybody is like family. We all stick together. --Krisinda

My favorite part about camp is the dances and playing gau-gau. All year I look forward to camp because it is so much fun. All the staff are cool and fun to hang out with. I love to see all my friends again. -- Abby
I think camp was so fun!-Casey

I love camp because we make new friends and see old ones from the years before. -- 4-H camper

At 4-H camp I mostly play tetherball. Paige Counts, Megan Buchannan, Tori, and Michaela Lloyd are all tetherball queens! One time we won a game 10-1. -- Briana
My week at 4-H camp has been the best. I'm going to tell you about those things. My favorite thing is tetherball, the dances, and the classes.--Paige Counts

I've had a great time at camp. I have met new friends and I am coming back to camp next year! Camp is one week filled with fun classes like CNN, archery, and challenge in the woods. It also has fun games like gau-gau.--Emma

Washington County June 4-June 8

Ziplining is probably the best class because you will be in the air ziplining. I think it would be awesome. -- Virgie The 70's costume contest winners really look like we were in the 70's. -- Ashton
My favorite thing that I did at camp was tetherball. It was so much fun to meet people who liked tetherball as much as I do. --Ashton
My favorite part about camp was tetherball. Most of my friends really liked it, but unfortunately I twisted my wrist while playing. However, I am still having a fabulous time!-- Samuel
I love this picture because the two kids are sooo cute! --4-H camper
They're so cute together!--4-H camper
My favorite thing of camp was CNN. We went to the barn and took some pictures of horses. --4-H camper

My favorite part of camp was the dances. It was so cool seeing everybody dressed up in their "funky" clothes. --4-H camper
My favorite part about 4-H camp is the classes because they are fun and exciting. --4-H campers
The dance has been one of the most fun things at camp. All the songs have been great. -- 4-H camper
I LOVED the theme this year. I liked the theme because I love things from the past dacades. You can always find me buying leg warmers or platform shoes and anything that interests me! --Emily
My favorite thing at camp is CNN because it is fun! -- 4-H camper
My favorite thing about being a teen counselor was becoming a role model for all the campers. Sometimes it's difficult, but when the campers are having fun it always makes me smile!-- Annie