Gau-Gau is one of the many fun sports at 4-H camp!--4-H camper

That dance was really fun!!--4-H camper
I love to dance every night in Russell Hall. -- 4-H camper

Sam really loves arts and crafts. -- 4-H camper

These are the winners of the 80's dance and they look awesome!--4-H camper

The winners for the 80's costume contest! They look great!--4-H camper
I'd like to come back next year for CNN. I like it because you use computers, cameras, and recorders. -- Dylan
We like everything about camp. From games to classes to food to dances and swimming. Camp is really fun!!--4-H campers
My favorite part of camp is the classes. CNN, when in Rome, model rocketry, lego mindstorm, and archery are some of my favorites. -- 4-H camper
My favorite party of camp is gau-gau. It's a sport where you try to get people out by hitting them in the legs with a ball. You also try not to go out of the circle. My favorite thing about 4-H camp is the tetherball. It's where you try to get the ball around the pole on the other perosons side.-- 4-H campers
My favorite thing is hanging out with my friends Kaitlyn, Summer, Heather and Taylor. My favorite teen counselor is Annie. I like all our big counselors. I really liked the 80's dance. --4-H camper